Welcome to AfriDigiDiva Designs

As I diversify and learn and grow and move on and into other things, it might seem as though I am neglecting this wonderful space.

Over time, I do plan to maintain on a regular (more than weekly basis). In the interim, you can find my designs at


Visit some of my other stores, watch for sales, layouts and all sorts of wonderful happenings here!


09 December 2008

Organize Day1

I finally started organizing my files today!! YES YES YES!
I have been postponing organization for months. Today, with the cold weather and a pending ice storm, I didn't have anything better to do. (Well I could have found something to do, but this was more like a job assisgnment.)

I have spent the day indoors, at the computer, uploading, downloading, crossloading. Now I'm going to do more! I'm on a mission.

I'm doing this the flylady way. Babysteps. Focusing on small goals. Now I'm doing it and it seems wonderful.

Stay tuned! Even the site might take on a few more changes before the day is out.



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