Welcome to AfriDigiDiva Designs

As I diversify and learn and grow and move on and into other things, it might seem as though I am neglecting this wonderful space.

Over time, I do plan to maintain on a regular (more than weekly basis). In the interim, you can find my designs at


Visit some of my other stores, watch for sales, layouts and all sorts of wonderful happenings here!


22 November 2008

The Beginnings of a Digital Rant

My new blog isn't a good two days old. I'm still rearranging the furniture, checking out the neighbors, getting used to things and already... yes, already there is a digital scrapbooking industry rant. Now you see why I had to separate blogs? It wouldn't have been fair for President-Elect Obama to see just how petty and short-sighted we digiscrappers are/or can be.

On to my rant.
As most of you know, I've been expanding my business ventures into designer services. It seems to suit my passion and frees me up for more writing. I searched the calls to find folks in need of the services that I have to offer. And there is an abundance, right? Wrong. There are people who are willing to barter. I write a description and you give me a gift certificate to your store? I create a preview and you allow me to use the kit (for personal use only)? How far to I have to take this before you get what I'm about to say?

Let me be sympathetic. I totally understand wanting to sell your products and not having the cash on hand to do what you need to do. BUT when someone purchases your product, they give you cash! You can go to WalMart, Target, Buy4Less and get what you want. What in your store could I possibly feed to my children? How am I supposed to fill my gas tank? This is a cash business for me too. Let's get with the program, alright/

Here's my proposal. When you have a kit that you want a product description, why not offer to pay HALF of what you're charging for the product? If it costs $5 then pay me 2.50 Not alot, but at least that's a gallon of milk. Do you hear me? Besides, I've seen your kit and there is a special place in hell for me for the lies oops embellishments I had to state to make it sound good.

Don't I have enough to worry about? PAY ME MONEY.
Let us ponder the moment.

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